ytian03 Wrote:Why not D?
After me looking at answer E, I accept it as the right answer. But I still don't think D is wrong.
"Such new technologies create new ways of seeing and hearing by adding different dimensions to old forms, rather then replacing those forms"
Basically, I think answers D and E are corresponding to the front and back part of this sentence:
D - transform definitions of traditional art forms = create new ways of seeing and hearing by adding different dimensions to old forms
E - enhance, not preempt a traditional art form = adding different dimensions to old forms, rather then replacing those
Why am I wrong?
Hi ytian, as someone who also got D wrong for the same reasons I spent some time thinking about it and looking over the answer choices to determine why D was not the right answer.
I think simply put, the language in D) is too strong. I don't think the author intends to suggest that "replacing trad tech with new tech" WILL transform definitions of a traditional art form, which would imply that it always happens. Also, I do not think it is mentioned that it will transform the definition of a traditional art form, only that it captures dance in ways not possible with traditional mounts. At most, this is one instance of the possibility of a changing definition as a result of new tech.
Instead, the language of E is less strong. As well, E is better supported by lines (20-24)
Can anyone else provide insight? Have I missed something? Thank you in advance!