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Vinny Gambini
Vinny Gambini
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by 851869412 Sun Nov 13, 2016 10:01 am

I think (D) is better. Compared with the author in Passage B, who has a clear opinion that assets in games should not be taxed (line 45), passage A does not state a clear view. In addition, in Passage A, the author uses "with a shock" in line 18. I think this could be interpreted as either a positive feeling or a negative feeling. So I feel "undecided" would be a better choice. Could anyone help me on this?

Thanks in advances.
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Atticus Finch
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Re: Q9

by ohthatpatrick Wed Nov 16, 2016 2:41 pm

Question Type:
Author Opinion

Answer expected in lines/paragraph:
Line 8: "something curious".
Line 13: "Things got even more interesting".
Line 18: "He recognized with a shock -- it was currency trading!"
Line 23-25: "Players were creating wealth"
Not a lot of tone words in Psg B. That author was writing an analytical essay about how income tax law and policy would feel about whether or not to tax commerce in virtual items.

Any prephrase?
Psg A sounds more tickled and new to the issue of virtual commerce. Psg B is already onto figuring out how we should deal with virtual commerce from a policy perspective.

Correct answer:

Answer choice analysis:

(A) Psg A doesn't seem to be critical at any point.

(B) This is closer to how Psg B sounds, although neither author is 'dismissive'.

(C) Intrigued = line 13, "things got even more interesting". excited = 18-19 "recognized with a shock … he was looking at … currency trading!"

(D) Psg A is probably more curious, although Psg B is definitely curious about how/when governments will start to regulate virtual commerce. It's hard to say psg A is more undecided. Line 18 sounds pretty decided, "Omigosh --- it's a form of commerce trading!" and line 24-25 sounds pretty decided, "The players were, in effect, creating wealth."

(E) No support for skeptical.

Takeaway/Pattern: None of those pairs were immediate winners for me, but the two adjectives in C have very good line references in psg A. None of the other pairs have as direct support for both adjectives.

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Vinny Gambini
Vinny Gambini
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Re: Q9

by RyanC307 Sat Jun 30, 2018 9:53 pm

I think the original poster issue is he/she assumed the issue of passage B, how taxation should figure into in game transactions, was at issue in passage A. But it wasn't, as taxation was never mentioned. Instead the issue was something along the lines of "what do we make of this phenomena?", and passage A's author was pretty clear they felt it was "a form of currency trading" and (in some sense) creation of wealth.
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Vinny Gambini
Vinny Gambini
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Re: Q9

by JoshuaA305 Tue Sep 14, 2021 4:18 pm

What tripped me up with answer choice C is the fact that the author of passage b seems to be intrigued as well, In what way is that a differing attitude?