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580: Shattered because of Q37!

by alanvictor.personal Fri Jul 19, 2013 9:17 am

Hi everybody!

I took the Official GMAT today morning and was surprised to see a score (and a score breakup) that I never expected in my wildest dreams: 580 overall, a not-so-good 33 V and a brain-death causing 37 Q.

Plus, I also applied to Booth :(

Okay, now it all looks hazy to me. I'm an Indian, and like all the average Indians studying for the GMAT, I was pinning my hopes on at least a decent quant score. Around 43-47. And in the 3 month long prep schedule which met its funeral today, I squeezed out 49 Q in one of the GMAT Preps. I say "one-of" because questions start repeating after the 1st GMATPrep exam attempt.

Verbal wasn't a smooth journey. I started off with a 31 during the "diagnostic" days of my prep. Then the score went down to 26 in the final week before the GMAT, and again resurrected it to a 36 in the last 3 days before the GMAT. Thus, when I saw 33 V on that disappointing score screen, I reassured myself that all was not lost.

My very first diagnostic exam (GMATPrep Exam 1, Jan 2013) reported a score of 580. I started preparing seriously from April. Three months from then, I scored a 580 on the Official GMAT (July 19). This reminds me of a quant question that I saw on the test today. It was about a circle and I had to calculate its diameter. Something similar happened today, I drew a full circle, and have come back to the score from where I had started.

And I must add that Manhattan's CAT Test Series really helped in my prep process! I learnt a couple of neat quant tricks from the tests that I gave and I did revise a few questions that I had kept a note of on the day before the GMAT.

I find it difficult to comprehend what happened on the test and why it happened, but yes, a retake is definitely on the cards. I used the breaks efficiently, washed my eyes whenever I got the chance, kept myself hydrated and gave no reason to stress myself out due to the timer. I completed Math 4 mins early and Verbal 1 min early. I wonder if that is non-optimal?

For now, I most humbly look forward to some encouraging boons of advice. Believe me, I need it. Should I go ahead with the app process? I've got a GPA of 3, work ex of 2 years, and a sour 580.
