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680 (43,40)--Guessed on last 10 in verbal

by braves2200 Thu Mar 07, 2013 1:41 pm


I took the GMAT yesterday and received a score of 680 (43,40) and I am pretty content with my score, however, I am disappointed with the fact that I had to guess on the last 9 verbal questions because of time, due to one question. I spent 5-7 minutes on one problem....very bad move. With that said, I do not understand how a score of 40 is possible when guessing on the last 9 and not even answering the 41st question--primarily because of the practice test patterns when answering questions in a row incorrectly.

I know it's completely arbitrary but is there a percentile I most likely was at before I started guessing?

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Re: 680 (43,40)--Guessed on last 10 in verbal

by RonPurewal Sat Mar 16, 2013 10:13 am

braves2200 Wrote:I know it's completely arbitrary but is there a percentile I most likely was at before I started guessing?


is there one?
literally, of course, yes - you're always somewhere at any given time.

practically, there's no sense in thinking about this (and, psychologically, all kinds of reasons not to think about this). just learn from your mistake(s), and, if you take the test again, for Pete's sake don't sit there and stare at the problem for that long.

good luck.