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700: 48Q, 38V; AWA: 6.0

by jypoei Sun Feb 15, 2009 12:03 am

Just got back from my test and I'm thoroughly relieved. I took the test in MAY08 and only scored a 640. I really underestimated quant timing and suffered as a result. So, I hit the books and enrolled in the MGMAT course in OCT08-JAN09.

I felt the MGMAT course really improved my quant skills. I knew how to attack almost all of the questions I saw on the actual GMAT - that really boosted my confidence level. First time I took it, I was stuck on several of the questions. Everything in the quant section seemed to be clicking this time around. In the end, I fell short on time and had to guess on one or two, though. Regardless, I felt good about it.

When it came to the verbal, my concentration level was really low. I went to the bathroom to try and splash water on my face, but it didn't help. As I was doing the verbal section, I didn't feel too confident about it. I saw four RC passages, and that was definitely a downer. Even the sentence correction seemed tough to me, and I usually do very well with SC. Anyway, I had to do everything I could to keep my mind focused. I know I could have performed better, but woulda, coulda, shoulda doesn't count.

In the end, I was able to hit my goal, so I'm definitely a happy camper.

Here are my practice test scores:
4) 680
5) 700
6) 750
1) 760
2) 730
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Joined: Sat Sep 05, 2009 7:21 pm

Re: 700: 48Q, 38V; AWA: 6.0

by ashishshukla.infy Thu Nov 05, 2009 4:35 am

hi... Even I have teh same story... first attepmt i got 640(Q48, V29) and second attempt 700 (Q49, V35).. Don't know whether its a gud score considering that i just have 3 yrs of IT experience.
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Nov 14, 2007 4:24 pm

Re: 700: 48Q, 38V; AWA: 6.0

by ambreen8 Wed Nov 11, 2009 12:26 am

could u plz share the story to help me out improving score from 530 to above 640...I desparately need help ...i have been very depressed n i have only 2 months to study!!! thanks alot,