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Course Students
Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Jul 30, 2012 5:19 am

720 Q: 47 (73%), V: 42 (96%)

by ekhan34 Thu Dec 27, 2012 1:37 pm

just took the test (in vietnam of all places, traveling at the moment). i'm quite relieved at my score, as the last practice test i took was under 680 and i was really shaky on the quant.

What i noticed was that I didn't receive my IR or AWA score (i'm assuming i'll hear about them later?). More importantly, my quant score is a bit low, so i'm concerned about how schools may view this. I am aiming for schools in the top 20, as well as Oxford/LBS/INSEAD for international b-schools. How will the gap between my quant and verbal scores be viewed? negatively? what to do to alleviate this?