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750 with 5 on IR?

by AaronS736 Mon May 01, 2017 9:22 pm


I just sat for the GMAT and scored a 750 (Q 49, V 42) which I am thrilled about!!! My only question is if you would recommend re-taking the exam with a 5 on IR? I'm only just starting to explore MBA programs so I'm not quite sure yet where I'm applying. My target list though is Michigan, Cornell, NYU, and Columbia.

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Re: 750 with 5 on IR?

by mbaMissionKrista Tue May 09, 2017 2:18 pm

Hello @AaronS736

Congrats on the 750! That is a great score. IR is a difficult beast at the moment. We really do not have clarity yet on how schools are incorporating it (if at all). However, the IR score came out in 2012 so this is the year where pretty much everyone will have an IR score which makes the data more comparable. I'm a "better safe than sorry" person and given that you've just rocked a 750 (presumably with little prep?), I would recommend spending some more time preparing and trying again and seeing if you can get at least a 6. You don't mention if you're international or anything so without further context, it's hard to say. If you have further doubts and just want to talk in general about applying to b-school, I recommend signing up for a free consultation. Link here: https://www.mbamission.com/consult/?dis ... admissions

My best,