Hello Ron - I wanted to follow up on the Absolute Values TWR session held on February 18, 2010. The seminar was very helpful and to perfect my understanding of absolute value I just wanted to ask the following question:
How to best solve |QUANTITY|+|QUANTITY|=|QUANTITY| type question? There are quite a few questions of this type on the forums and I seem not to be able to do it quick enough or I simply get confused.
Example1 (Source Official Guide):
Is |3m - n| + |m - 2n| < |4m - 3n|?
(1) m > 0
(2) 2n < m
Example 2 (Source GMATPrep): If zy < xy < 0, is | x - z | + |x| = |z|?
(1) z < x
(2) y > 0
Example 3 (Source GMAT Club Tests) How many solutions will the equation |x+3| - |4-x| = |8+x| have?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
E. 4
Please feel free to throw in a MGMAT example if you have one handy. I am not so much concerned about solving those particular problems, more than that, I want to be able to find a way to think about the question stems more clearly. What things should I keep in mind when I see this kind of structure? You have already mentioned that it is not useful to think about these questions in terms of theory or intervals, so I guess I am lost. And in this way it is a follow-up to the presentation you have made.
Would really appreciate your views on that Ron.