Hi, my question is on Adv Modifiers.
I'm referring to an example from Strategy Guide-- 2020 All the Verbal edition, page 60. The sentence is,
"The CEO declared that everyone had to work through the holidays to make the production deadline, but in calling for such an extreme measure, the company's employees were upset to the point of mutiny."
Here is "in calling for such an extreme measure" is an Adv Mod- that's clear to me. Not, we also know, that it NEED NOT touch the part that it's modifying. Here it is modifying "the CEO".
However, the explanation follows that, sentence needs to be corrected by placing "The CEO" closer to this modifier. The correct version of this sentence is,
"The CEO declared that everyone had to work through the holidays to make the production deadline, but in calling for such an extreme measure, SHE upset her employees to the point of mutiny.".
My question- why do we need "SHE" (the CEO) be placed near the adv modifier, if thee mods need not have such requirement.