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by shads.bahmardi Wed Nov 07, 2012 8:08 pm

I am having a really hard time getting the hang of the Age questions in Guide 4, chapter 1.

Should I really spend a large amount of time nailing down these type of questions?

Also, in this particular guide, I am spending a full day understanding each chapter and solving the problem set at the end of each chapter. Is that too little or is it too much time being spent on each chapter?

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by tim Thu Nov 08, 2012 11:11 am

you have asked questions about how much time you should be spending studying. these are not questions for us to answer. you have to make your own decisions regarding how thoroughly you want to know the material before taking your GMAT. once you understand the material sufficiently, you are done studying that material. no need to spend any more or less time. please understand that studying for the GMAT is not some formula where X hours of study will yield Y points of gain. you have to be studying correctly and efficiently to get anything out of the process, and that's what you should be focusing on rather than how much time you're spending..
Tim Sanders
Manhattan GMAT Instructor

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