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An astounding 100 point difference

by umang.gmat Tue Nov 11, 2014 12:12 am

Hi All,

I took GMAT yesterday, i.e. on 10/Nov/2014 and scored 720 (Q50 88%ile /V38 85%ile ). This was 100 points above my average score in MGMAT Tests. My scores in MGMAT Tests are as follows:

MGMAT Test 1 - 650
MGMAT Test 2 - 610
MGMAT Test 3 - 540
MGMAT Test 4 - 630
MGMAT Test 5 - 630
MGMAT Test 6 - 640

I believe the following reasons helped me score well.

1. The analysis provided by MGMAT in the tests, it was exceptionally good. Every explanation was worth its weight in gold. The best part was the explanation on why a particular choice was wrong.

I would strongly recommend everyone to take MGMAT tests and take the test explanation seriously.

2. Hostile test environment during Mocks - I never took CATs in a perfect test taking environment, but always had some element of disturbance. The test environment was perfect and that really helped me in giving my best shot.

3. The MGMAT Maths and English test level was above that of the GMAT, so I apparently faced much easier question in Maths and just below par level questions in GMAT. Most of the sentence correction and Critical Reasoning questions looked familiar

I would once again thank the MGMAT Team for helping me out in scoring 720 with the exceptionally good test analysis.

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Re: An astounding 100 point difference

by JRS Wed Apr 08, 2015 12:07 pm

After taking the Manhattan course, I was also able to increase my score by 100 points. I attribute this to the organization of the material and quality of the instructor. Prior to Manhattan and my first exam, I adopted a self-study strategy, which after 2-3 months, left me feeling unprepared and lacking confidence going into the first test. Sure enough, the result reflected these pre-test observations.

Three months of intensive, dedicated study with Manhattan gave me the self-assurance and tactics needed to right the outcome during the second go-around.

I firmly believe that if I would have taken the exam a third time, which was not required in my case due to the schools I was targeting, I could have probably added another 20-40 points to the total.

I continue to recommend Manhattan to each and every person I speak to who is considering the GMAT.

It's the best out there