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Analysis of an Issue - Please Grade this if you find time

by Ramesh Tue Jul 29, 2008 8:30 am

Hi ,
I understand that essays are no longer graded by the instructors. I am posting this hoping some of my peers would find time to grade it. Thanks in advance.

"In some countries, television and radio programs are carefully censored for offensive language and behavior. In other countries, there is little or no censorship."
In your view, to what extent should government or any other group be able to censor television or radio programs?
Explain, giving relevant reasons and/or examples to support your position.

To what extent television and radio programs must be censored depends on a variety of factors. In my view, while censorship is good for the society, when it reaches an extreme it actually ends up being counterproductive.

The main reason for my view is that censoship restricts one's freedom. All of us have the right to view or hear what we want. For example in India, the health minister requested the censor board to censor the scenes,which shows the actors with a cigar, arguing that people are enticed to smoke by seeing thier onscreen heros smoke. This led to restriction of the filmakers creativity. The public was also upset because thier basics rights were encroached upon.

Another reason for my view is that when there is censorship our children grow up in an society that seems to be always good. but that is definitely not the real reflection of the outside world. For instance in my undergraduation, there was one student who came from a small village . He was very good in studies but was not exposed to the cosmopoliton culture that existed in my college. He was wary initially but ended up drifting into the bad world as this is first time he is exposed to all these. Sometimes when people are exposed to both good and bad they tend to know both sides of the coin and are in a better position than the people who are not exposed, in our case due to censorship.

Some might argue that not censoring television and radio programs may affect young children, Yet, I actually feel its better that children are exposed to both good and the bad when they are at a younger age as thier parents can guide them then rather than being exposed to all these at an older age.

In sum, although censorship might be good, in most instances it does not achieve the desired resuts, instead creating some unwanted restictions that can be avoided.
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by StaceyKoprince Tue Aug 12, 2008 12:02 am

Hi, thanks for posting your essays! Yes, as you noted, instructors don't respond to posted essays - we just have too much to do with all of the question posted and essays tend to be the thing that is least "transferable" (that is, you can learn a lot, but probably other people won't learn as much from looking at our responses to your essays, unlike the multiple choice questions).

But I certainly hope other community members respond. Also, if you're in our class, you'll have an opportunity to get essays graded and get written feedback during the course (after class 6). Finally, we do offer an essay grading service - you can submit two essays for grading and written feedback. If you'd like to do that, send an email to studentservices@manhattangmat.com and ask for details (like pricing!).
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum