"Employees should expect no privacy while on the job, even when engaging in personal communication via telephone or e-mail. Employers are paying for their employees' time and have a reasonable expectation that this time is spent solely on work-related activities."
The above mentioned view takes up a contemporary issue of poor health and high stress levels among the employees. The above mentioned article offers a solution to improve the employees productivity. However, I believe that one must consider all the aspects of poor productivity before reaching a solution.
Poor health and high stress levels can be caused by heavy workload, improper diet, unhieginic surroundings, personal problems etc. I believe that the most effective way to counter poor health and high stress level among the office workers is to identify the major constituents of the problem. The free exercise facilities and free wellness classes will be effecive only if the poor prformance is attributed to physical wellness.
The opponents of the view may also argue that high work load is responsible for the poor health and high stress levels. In such a case, the employees may not have enough time to exercise or attend free wellness classes as this may lead to piling up of existing work load.
Although, exercise and wellness activities contribute in improving health and reducing stress levels of an iniviual, it is essential to recognise the actual cause of such problems. There are different reasons that lead to poor health and high stress levels for the various white-collar employees; these reasons may be different for different organisations. Some employees may improve their productivity by an organised approach, while another may not be comfortable with the business environment and the other may prefer frequent outings.
To conclude, one must not generalise the cause for poor productivity. The poor healh and high stress levels of the employees can be effectively nurtured by identifying the source of the problem and then rectifying it.