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Top 10 Hopeful

Another Profile Evaluation Please

by Top 10 Hopeful Tue Jul 01, 2008 11:51 am

26 yr. old Male

Undergrad GPA 3.1 from top school (H/Y/P)


Work Experience:

3 years as investment banking analyst middle market investment bank likley to get promoted to associate

Extra Curriculum:
- Participated in 2 varsity sports in college for all 4 years
- Post undergrad extras are limited but involve mentoring current students and young alumni from both my high school and university. I have been very focused on helping minority/ underprivlidged students given my own "minority" background

Post MBA Plans:
Leverage IB experience to transition over to a corporate development role in a large consumer/ retailer or Fortune 500 type company

Schools: Harvard, Wharton, Columbia, NYU, and Chicago

Do I have a good shot at schools above? No chance? Better than average? Please base opinion with the assumption that the rest of my application will be solid.

by MBAApply Tue Jul 01, 2008 12:14 pm

For all the schools you mentioned except Harvard, you should be about average (folks like you get in, folks like you get dinged). For Harvard, it'll be harder (but not impossible) simply because they are more into high GPAs than high GMATs (although it helps that you went to HYP).

In any case, you might as well give all of them a shot - don't count on getting into all of them as there's a bit of subjectivity and luck involved, but you should be able to get into some of them assuming you put together a strong application.

Alex Chu