Analysis of Issue ---
ESSAY QUESTION:"Employees should expect no privacy while on the job, even when engaging in personal communication via telephone or e-mail. Employers are paying for their employees' time and have a reasonable expectation that this time is spent solely on work-related activities."
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the position stated above. Support your views with reasons and examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.
My RESPONSE: To a large extent I agree with this statement.
In fact, most of the employers, nowadays, require employees to read, understand and sign such a letter of privacy rights, wherein it is mentioned that the employees' use of employers' resources and/ or time during work is subject to monitoring.
The employers have every right to assess the productivity levels of their workforce and one of the affecting factors is the use of work-time for personal activities. If the employers discover that this time is being misused, then they may want to take appropriate actions. To do so, they need to monitor the activities of all the employees and the extent to which each individual is contributing to such a dip in productivity. This, in fact, will be beneficial to the employees too since only those employees will be reprimanded who are causing the greatest noise.
Most of the employers do understand the need of the employees to engage in personal activities during work-time to a limited and reasonable extent. In fact, many of them explicitly state that the break times can be used for such activities.
If the employees are too concerned about intrusion of privacy then, they are better off not indulging into any personal activities at job. Or at least not use company's resources like telephone, email or internet services. However, this is no guarantee since they are still using employers' paid time.
ESSAY QUESTION:"Children today have an unprecedented number of options when it comes to entertainment. Since no parent can be aware of all of these options, it falls to the entertainment media to ensure that their content is suitable for young consumers."
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your point of view with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.
My RESPONSE: I partially agree with the conclusion of the arguemnt above.
While it is the responsibility of the media to ensure that their content is indeed suitable for the targetted segment of viewers, the media cannot control the consumers from accessing their options. In specific instances of children, most of the media outlets today like television, internet, radio, etc. do comply with the FCC guidelines of content restrictions and appropriate ratings. But a child may still select to view/ access an adult program or channel if he or she wishes to because the media has no control of accessibility of the remote control to the child within his or her home!
Hence, the role of parents/ guardians is very crucial in these cases. Agreed the parents may not be aware of the gamut of options available but if they are concerned about the content rather than the medium, they should strike at the root. Parents can educate and guide children about the differences in the types of ratings, their appropriateness, the positives v/s negatives of certain types of programs, channels, etc.
If the children are aware about what content is suitable for their viewership, they would most probably refrain from opting for non-suitable stuff, however easily it might be available to them.
Hence, this effort must be led on all fronts to ensure that its success.
ESSAY QUESTION:"Since key personal traits that make a good leader are formed during one’s childhood and youth, formal training can only refine rather than cultivate true leaders."
Explain what you think this quotation means and discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with it. Develop your position with reasons and/or specific examples drawn from history, current events, or your own experience, observations, or reading.
My RESPONSE: I think the statement above wants one to believe that true leaders are born with leadership characteristics, which can be honed via training but cannot be acquired.
I do not agree with this statement.
Let me cite the example of Mahatma Gandhi, the revolutionary leader of Indian freedom movement against the British colonization of India. Gandhi's childhood or youth didn't showcase any exemplary traits that would qualify him as leader. In his autobigraphy M.K.Gandhi has stated that his childhood was quite ordinary and normal.
It was during his adulthood as a practicing lawyer in South Africa when Gandhi was exposed to the evils of apartheid and when he decided to launch a non-violent campaign against the same. It was this period that honed his abilities to lead masses and convince the people to accept his viewpoint.
While some individuals are born leaders, it cannot be generalized to the whole population. Leadership capabilities can definitely be learnt via training, mentoring or simply observing.
ESSAY QUESTION:"The mission of a university is to educate its students. Therefore, a professor’s pay and promotions should be based primarily on students’ evaluations of his or her courses."
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.
My RESPONSE: I partially agree with the opinion above.
I completely agree with the opening sentence but do not believe in the veracity of the second statement.
Let's consider an example wherein few students choose an elective course for a term of study. These students selected the this course at random without any knowledge about its requirements or structure. Now if it turns out that the course requires some prior knowledge about the subject matter from previous classes or awareness about certain concepts and if these students don't possess such skills, then they are bound to find this course tough.
In such a scenerio the professor, in-charge of the course, can try his or her level best to educate the whole class but this certain few students might still lag behind. In the end if they evaluate the professor poorly it would be unfair to the professor.
Hence, although students' evaluations play an important role in the determination of a teacher's performance it should not be the only factor. The system should develop a method to assess the knowledge or ability of the students before a particular class and then after the course is completed and then correlate this to the evaluations.