In response to the increasing cost of producing energy through traditional means, such as combustion, many utility companies have begun investing in energy sources such as wind and solar power, hoping someday to rely on them completely and thus lower energy costs. The utility companies claim that these sources require an initial outlay of funds for construction and materials but then only a modest amount for maintenance. This makes them more economical than nonrenewable sources such as gas, oil, and coal, whose prices can fluctuate dramatically according to availability.
The claim of the utility companies presupposes which of the following?
A. The public will embrace the idea of wind and solar power.
B. No new deposits of gas, oil, and coal will be discovered in the near future
C. Weather patterns are consistent and predictable
D. The necessary technology for conversion to wind and solar power is not more
expensive than the technology needed for energy created through combustion.
E. Energy produced through combustion cannot be made more economical.
I got this question in one of the manhattan's GMAT CATs. I marked the answer E because the reason for companies to shift to wind+gas is "increasing cost of producing energy through traditional means, such as combustion"...and option E assumes correctly that there is no cheaper/economical way to make combustion fuels. If we try the negation test then if there is any economical way then all this thing (wind+air) is not et all required and hence the argument shatters and weaken.
Instructors please reply.