boaz.khan Wrote:Note: I am not sure why we are concerned with the sign of X since it will always yield a positive value -- the solution picks C as the answer and I answered A
when you say "
it will always yield a positive value", what is "it"?
there is no reason to assume that x must be positive in this problem. we know it's nonzero, but that's it (unless we have statement 2).
bonus consideration:
if you see a statement fixing the sign of a number, it becomes MUCH more likely that the sign of that number is important.i.e., when you look at statement 2, you see "x is positive". THIS SHOULD MAKE YOU THINK MUCH MORE CAREFULLY ABOUT THE SIGN OF X IN THE OTHER STATEMENT, especially if your initial response was to think that the sign of x wasn't important!
same thing goes for other properties. e.g., if one of the statements is "z is an integer", then you had better think long and hard about
non-integer values of z when you consider the other statement.