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Does the word count matter?

by commit.gmat Thu Jul 09, 2009 2:42 pm


I noticed from the practice tests that I have been taking that I am averaging about 350 words per essay. I am following the 4 paragraph format.

First para: 2-3 sentences
Second and Third para: 5-6 sentences
Fourth Para: 2-3 sentences.

Stacey, Can you please let me know if the word count and number of sentences are OK to cross the threshold of 4.0. Or, is the word count too less?

Exam Date: July 18 2009
Target Score: 750+
ManhattanGMAT Staff
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Re: Does the word count matter?

by StaceyKoprince Fri Jul 24, 2009 6:27 pm

I'm not sure whether they have an official word count. It would matter to some extent, of course, if you really don't write enough. Take a look in your OG11 or 12 - the essay chapter includes some sample essays. See how many words they have. If a 4.0 essay has, say, 400 words, then I'd think 350 would be enough. If a 4.0 has 600 words, then 350 may not be enough. You don't need to be exact; you just want to be in the ballpark.
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum