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Extracurricular Essay/ Resume Help

by Guest Thu Aug 28, 2008 2:40 pm

I am preparing my Columbia application and am confused on the extracurricular resume/ essay. I am stuck between preparing an essay or a resume outlined below. I want to take every opportunity I can to market myself and demonstrate my interest in Columbia, but am worried an essay might be inappropriate here.

1) Essay format
- What I did?
- What I learned?
- How will those experiences help me at Columbia?
- How activity wil help in future career?

2) Resume Format
- Activity
- # of hours
- role and responsibilities

There is a 400 word limit, which makes me think it should be more substantial than just a resume.

Thank you for the help.

Please disregard post

by Guest Thu Aug 28, 2008 5:37 pm

After reviewing instructions more closely there is a 400 CHARACTER limit on the extracurricular resume/ essay