I scored a 690 (47Q/38V), 6 IR at the end of last year and am looking to get into an MBA program that ranks in the top 20 (presumably looking at universities that rank 10 through 20). My professional experience is engineering & project management for manufacturing companies (i'm a male also). I'm assuming I represent a demographic that is heavily represented at business schools, so I will have to stand out more so than minority candidates. I have a few questions I was looking for feedback on:
(1) Regarding the GMAT score, is 47 (67%)/38(84%) a balanced score?
(2) Any tips for highlighting "promotions" that didn't include title changes? I have always worked for smaller companies where typically a promotion consisted of maintaining the same title but receiving increased compensation
(3) Is the stigma of getting a 6xx score vs. a 7xx score as big as I perceive it? There is a psychological piece to getting a 6xx score that has taken me a long time to come to terms with. I plan to retake the test if I don't get into any schools for 2016 entry (filling out 2 round 4 applications for IE & IESE in Spain). I know deep down i can do better because I was dealing with several personal issues at the time of my test.
(4) How important are undergraduate grades? I had a cumulative GPA of 3.4, but had one year where I was completely disengaged and my grades reflect such. Unfortunately this time period was my senior year (part 1). On a positive note it took me an extra semester to graduate and I crushed the final semester grade wise.
Thanks for any help you are able to provide,