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How hard to push for a high quant score?

by Dmorse Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:52 pm

I took the GMAT one year ago, scoring a 710 overall with Q55%, V98%. I applied to top 5 schools, with waitlists at best resulting. Feedback I received focused on my low GMAT quant score. Other areas of application were strong.

I am applying first round / binding round to a broader range of schools this year - some top 5 schools such as Tuck, Kellogg; some top 15 schools such as Yale, Haas, Univ. of Chicago. How seriously do I need to consider raising my quant score? I believe I can raise it between 60 - 70%. Higher is doubtful.

Other stats:
Ivy League 3.5 GPA
4+ years consulting / nonprofit work experience, now in management role

My only goal this year is to get in - I would be happy at any of the schools named above.

by MBAApply Tue Sep 02, 2008 1:51 am

To be honest, you'll need at least an 80% for it to not be an issue at all. 70% is the absolute minimum.

Also, it depends on what your college major was and the mix of courses you took. If you are a humanities major with little to no quant courses, then you will need an 80%. If you can't get there, then you should enroll in extension classes either online or locally at a community college -- take calculus, stats, algebra or whatever quant-oriented course to show that you're prepared for the quant aspects of b-school. Now, if you were an engineering major in undergrad, then it would still be nice to get an 80% on the quant, but you'll still need a 70% minimum (and if you were an engineering undergrad, you should be able to hit 70% or greater anyhow if you're prepping for the exam properly).

Alex Chu

by Dmorse Tue Sep 02, 2008 8:42 pm

Alex -

Really valuable info to have. I was a poly sci major undergrad. I have taken a stats course and did well, but have not had time since applying last year to enroll in other courses.

Looks like it is time to buck up and do well on the test.

If I can't get 80%, what are some options? Law school?

by MBAApply Wed Sep 03, 2008 4:00 am

What are you looking to do? Law school is for ... lawyers. B-school is for... business professionals.

It doesn't matter what you're running away from if you don't know what you're running towards.

Alex Chu

by Dmorse Wed Sep 03, 2008 2:57 pm


I was speaking in jest. I am very focused on an MBA, with the career of goal of working in corporate responsibilty with a focus on operations and change initiatives - orienting human performance around a triple bottom line. An MBA is my clear preference.

I currently manage an international CSR partnership from the nonprofit side. The motivation for an MBA is to jump in terms of responsibility as well as gain credibility to enter a corporate CSR position.

My comment earlier merely asked for options should my quant score fall short of the 80% goal, or even the 70% goal. I am no assuming this will be the case, but am curious to hear your thoughts.

Thanks for your attention to my inquiries.

by MBAApply Wed Sep 03, 2008 6:08 pm

Haha okay you got me.

Honestly though there's not much you can do to mitigate a low quant score. It'll be a handicap. You just have to focus on the essays and hope that the adcom is willing to overlook your scores because they really really dig your story.

Alex Chu

by Guest Wed Sep 03, 2008 10:48 pm

Fair enough. Thanks!