Hello Instructors,
I have been maintaining good accuracy on CR questions 90-95%, but I am taking more time then I should. Most of the questions I am solving is taking me 2.5 mins to solve and then some tough Qs - number %, etc 3.5 to 4 or even sometimes 5 mins to solve.
My approach to solve a question -
1. Reading the question stem -
- understanding what it is asking (strengthen, resolve the paradox, weaken)
- any extra info given (I try to extract most out of the info given in the q stem, e.g. what would help explain students point, ok I need to look for what is the students point). I am usually taking almost 30 secs to analyze the question stem.
Also, I tend to write e.g. S - for strengthen, and students opinion - is what I want to look for, I just write it down on paper.
2. I read the argument. And try to write/ draw the info given. This helps me understand the argument better.
3. Paraphrasing. After I paraphrase, I tend to write down - what I paraphrased. Thus, writing down the possible answer choices. This way I know what I thought should be the answer and I do not get confused after reading the answer choices. Sometimes, answer choices tend to confuse - usually for except, least questions.
And then, finally reading the answer choices.
This whole process - is taking mostly 2.5+ mins, 3.5 mins, and 4-5mins. And sometimes under 2 mins.
Also, note that the accuracy - I am maintaining is when I am solving CR questions one by one (timed) OR solving 15 questions or 20 questions at once from OG. So far, I have not seen the same accuracy on the mock CATs I have given.
I feel I am wasting time in writing. But writing, helps me better understand and results in accuracy. Can I avoid writing at any of the steps above, where I am currently spending time on writing/ drawing.