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I often forget rules and strategies in sentence correction

by AmanT592 Tue Aug 13, 2019 4:05 pm

Hi, i am aman tokas from india, new delhi. Currently i am preparing for gmat exam. Also i have 5 manhattan gmat strategy guides, they provide me from top one percent gmat institute. So, it has been for 6 months preparing gmat exam. The main problem is i often forget rules and strategies and also concepts. I have read 5 times sentence correction strategy guides. When i practice in OG, so sometimes i get wrong and right answers. I think my accuracy is very low. So please tell me, what do i do to get high accuracy in sentence correction.
Thank you :)
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Re: I often forget rules and strategies in sentence correction

by StaceyKoprince Sat Aug 17, 2019 4:07 pm

I'm sorry that SC is giving you trouble! You say that you have studied the SC guide many times but find that you forget what you are learning. It may be the case that you need to learn the material at a more fundamental level than what is contained in our SC strategy guide.

I can think of two options here. First, we do have a Foundations of Verbal strategy guide that includes a unit on Sentence Correction. Have you already tried that? If not, that would be one place to start.

Alternatively, are you going to have to take the TOEFL or IELTS for the admissions process? (This is usually required if you did your prior schooling in a language other than English.) If so, then it's a good idea to study for that exam first, before you study for the GMAT. We have a book for the TOEFL (the 5 lb Book of TOEFL Practice Problems), but we don't have anything for the IELTS. It sounds like you may be working with an organization in New Delhi to prepare for the GMAT? If so, and if you have to take one of these exams, I would also ask them whether they have any programs to prepare for those exams.
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum