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Is None Singular or Plural?

by shadangi Sun Jul 10, 2011 2:14 pm


In this article, you gave an example:
Example 2: None of the documents (is/are) identified in the brief.
Think: Not one of the documents is identified in the brief. (singular subject/singular verb)

I am a bit confused as according to the Manhattan GMAT SC book, the verb following none should take the form for the Of prepositional phrase that follows none. In fact the all SANAM (Some, Any, None, All, More/Much) indefinite pronouns follows the same rule.

So according to the book it should be "None of the documents ARE identified in the brief."

Although book does puts a punch line - in-fact either plural or singular is correct usage for none! I am a bit confused now!

What should be the right usage?
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Re: Is None Singular or Plural?

by messi10 Sun Jul 10, 2011 4:32 pm


As the book suggests, either form is OK.

Since this is the case, it is unlikely that this will be the make or break issue between two answer choices on the GMAT i.e. I don't think that there will be two answer choices on the GMAT that only differ on the subject verb agreement of "none".

On the GMAT, wrong answer choices are always wrong without ambiguity.

