by Saurav Sun Oct 26, 2008 5:44 pm
This problem requires understanding rules of Rounding off hte last digit. Usually .035 rounded to nearest 100th should be .04 and .034 rounded to the nearest 100th is .03
However, if remember from one of the similar questions GMAT rounds down 5 to zero. so .035 above becomes .03
Is the hundredth digit of decimal d greater than 5?
let us say the number is 0.ABCD (the decimal d)
1) The tenth digit of 10d is 7
d = 0.ABCD, hence 10d = A.BCD 10th digit of 10d = B = 7. which is 100th digit of d (=0.A7CD and thus bigger than 5) Sufficient
2) The thousandth digit of d/10 is 7
d = 0.ABCD, hence d/10 = 0.0ABCD 1000th digit of 10d = B = 7. which is 100th digit of d (=0.A7CD and thus bigger than 5) Sufficient