is the hundredths digit of the decimal d greater than 5?
1) The tenths digit of 10d is 7.
2) The thousandths digit of d/10 is 7.
Can anyone help? Tks in advance.
guest Wrote:is the hundredths digit of the decimal d greater than 5?
1) The tenths digit of 10d is 7.
2) The thousandths digit of d/10 is 7.
Can anyone help? Tks in advance.
parvezshah Wrote:guest Wrote:is the hundredths digit of the decimal d greater than 5?
1) The tenths digit of 10d is 7.
2) The thousandths digit of d/10 is 7.
Can anyone help? Tks in advance.
my take is answer is E
let the digit be ***.****** or it is ********.*
stmt 1 ) says 10(***.******) tenth is 7 == ****.***7* or *******7*
so no conclusion
similarly statment 2 also is inconclusive
2) The thousandths digit of d/10 is 7.
says (***.******)/ thousandths digit is 7 == ***.**7*7* or *****7*7.*
Anonymous Wrote:Could someone please provide an explanation as to how one got the answer, that is D. How did the 7 move from the tenths place to the hundredths place? Did I miss something?
Greatly appreciated....
guest Wrote:is the hundredths digit of the decimal d greater than 5?
1) The tenths digit of 10d is 7.
2) The thousandths digit of d/10 is 7.
Can anyone help? Tks in advance.
Anonymous Wrote:guest Wrote:is the hundredths digit of the decimal d greater than 5?
1) The tenths digit of 10d is 7.
2) The thousandths digit of d/10 is 7.
Can anyone help? Tks in advance.
If one is not comfortable with fonts and also does not wish to use X's, here is another way.
Let d=
question: is y>5?
1) 10d = uvwx.yz and, therefore, tenths digit i.e. y=7, which is greater than 5.
2) d/10 = uv.wxyz hence thousandths digit i.e. y=7, which again is greater than 5.
Hence, D. Use of distinct alphabets may make it easier to understand (in my opinion). Hope this helps.