Lack of fresh water is an ongoing problem in the outposts, and it is expected to continue until reinforcements arrive.
A. Lack of fresh water is an ongoing problem in the outposts, and it is expected to continue until reinforcements arrive.
B. Lack of fresh water is an ongoing problem in the outposts, which was expected to continue until reinforcements arrive.
C. Lack of fresh water is an ongoing problem in the outposts, and they are expected to continue until reinforcements arrive.
D. The outposts lack fresh water, a problem that is expected to continue until reinforcements arrive.
E. The outposts have a lack of fresh water, a problem expected to continue until reinforcements arrive
Source ;gmat club tests.
OA : E
I dont understand why D is wrong here..Official explanation says , In D 'problem' refers to fresh water.Is this correct? Noun-noun modifiers can modify the clause right ?
Please help.
are gmat club test verbal questions recommended? I find lots of ambiguity (not sure if its because of the gap in my knowledge ) in those questions..
Please advice .