Teachers in this country have generally been trained either to approach mathematics like a creative activity or that they should force students to memorize rules and principles without truly understanding how to apply them.
A) to approach mathematics like a creative activity or that they should force students to memorize rules and principles
B) to approach mathematics like a creative activity or to force students to memorize rules and principles
c) to approach mathematics as a creative activity or to force students to memorize rules and principles
D) that they should approach mathematics as a creative activity or to force students to memorize rules and principles
E) that they should approach mathematics like a creative activity or that they should force students to memorize rules and principles
This problem is from the Manhattan Question Bank. SC#2
I chose option B for this question. My reasoning was that we are comparing two nouns, "mathematics" and "a creative activity". As per Like Vs As rule, As is used to compare two clauses and both clauses should have a subject and verb. Here I don't see any verb in the latter clause.
Please help me understand what I am missing here.
Thanks in advance.