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Local vs. International Volunteer Experience

by WendyY887 Thu Oct 12, 2017 8:27 am

Hi there! I'm currently debating between volunteering abroad for three months versus becoming part of a local volunteer organization.

I want to get into a top MBA program and I know how important volunteering is. I've read on Poets & Quants before that international volunteer experience would give some "brownie" points, but currently my hesitation is that I don't want if I can take that much time off of work. I definitely want to keep my job and show that I'm progressing at this company, which has a very good relationship with top business schools.

If I were to volunteer abroad, I would also become part of a local volunteer organization focusing on the same goal, but I would have that international experience on my resume.

Just wanted to get an admissions consultant's opinion on how business schools view international versus local volunteer experiences and if there is any advice for my predicament.

ManhattanGMAT Staff
Posts: 13
Joined: Tue Dec 13, 2016 4:03 am

Re: Local vs. International Volunteer Experience

by mbaMissionKrista Fri Oct 13, 2017 5:37 am

Hey @WendyY887
I'm less worried about the location of your volunteer work than I am about 1. staying fully employed (important!) and 2. getting involved in a volunteer opportunity that you are passionate about -- where you can make an impact! Those are the types of things i recommend focusing on. Applying to b-school when unemployed can be really challenging, and if you go abroad because you think you should go abroad, only to work on something that you're not passionate about...well, that's not a good tactic either! So think about the things you like doing and choose an extracurricular that way!
Hope that helps!