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Looking for feedback on Issue Analysis - please help!

by gursharankang Wed Nov 30, 2011 4:34 pm

"The purpose of government is not to ensure the financial well-being of its citizens, but rather to maintain order."

From your perspective, how accurate is the above statement? Support your position with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.

I don't agree with this statement and believe that government has a main responsibility of ensuring well-being of its citizens. Financial well being is not the only responsibility but it certainly should be one of the top responsibilities which lead to number of other factors that affect overall well-being of its citizens.

If a country is not financially stable then maintaining law and order could prove almost impossible becuase of the hostile nature of the public that is fueled by financial uncertainity. Most skillful population who want to provide a financially stable future for their families would most likely migrate to countries where they feel safe and can earn a safe and secured future for themselves. If we look at the countries like Pakistan which has derailed from stable financial platform, is losing most of its skillful workforce to stable economies like United States and European nations, where government ensures a financially protected environment for citizens or residents. On the other hand, India is one of the fastest growing economies which has not only provided increase levels of financial stability for its residents but has also improved law enforcement over the years. India had much higher levels of corruption when its GDP was much lower and financial stability was far from promising. Inreased levels of financial security from the India government has boosted its consumer spending and has further improved overall growth rates of the economy. It has not only provided more resources for the country but has also helped improve law enforcement by increasing overall workforce that supports legal system.

Financial well-being and maintenance of order really go hand in hand. One without the other hardly has any chances of survival. If we have financial stability in a country without a proper law enforcement, we will likely see that number of people will start abusing the system and will eventually give rise to corruption and economic instability. This situation will certainly spoil the financial stability and can only survive if we have law and order to back up sound financial platform. On the other hand, if we only try to maintain law without much financial responsibility, we will likely find higher levels of insecurity among general population which can lead to instable environment and much lower confidence in the government. In order to keep the country prosperous and stable, we certainly need both financial stability and law enforcement.
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Re: Looking for feedback on Issue Analysis - please help!

by StaceyKoprince Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:06 pm

Hi, thanks for posting your essays! Just an FYI that instructors don't grade or give feedback on essays (see the forum guidelines for details).

But I certainly hope other community members respond. Also, if you're in our class, you'll have an opportunity to get essays graded and get written feedback during the course (after class 6). Finally, you can get essays graded by GMAT Write (the official essay grading service from the makers of the exam) - they'll both grade the essays and provide feedback as to how to improve (for a fee). For details and pricing, go to www.mba.com and search for GMAT Write.
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum