by mbamissionjenK Sun Jan 25, 2015 12:18 pm
Hi there,
Well you do have a lot going for you--- international female with accounting & business experience at Deloitte plus 3.9 GPA.... there are other unknowns on my end like how much experience; what you've achieved professionally and personally; extracurriculars etc.... the quant work experience should help at least demonstrate that you have the quant skills. A 650 IS below the average at that caliber of school so it's hard to say.... you could go either way. If they like everything else in your profile you would still have a shot; but higher would also help... if you scored a lot better on any quality practice tests and you are up for one more try I'd say go for it.... and depending on when you are applying/time etc. If it's too tough and/or you don't think you'd improve much might not be worth your time.