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Low Quantitative Score with High Verbal, top B-School target

by 1mbaBound87 Sun Aug 11, 2013 7:30 pm

I just took the GMAT and was pleased to earn a 730 overall score, which was about what I expected when compared to my practice tests. However, my verbal and quantitative scores were more imbalanced compared to my practice tests.
I scored - Q46 for the 68th percentile and V44 for the 98th percentile.

On my practice exams I was averaging around Q48 and V42 for a 720-730. A much more balanced 78 and 94 percentiles.

I feel as though I have a relatively strong quantitative background and have always done well in advanced math courses. I graduated with an Engineering Degree (GPA 3.8) at a reputable state college and will have completed my Masters in Engineering by the time I enroll in B-School (GPA 3.8).

My 5 years of job experience are in Technical Sales and Marketing. I do very little math but work closely with those who do.

Should I take the GMAT again and try to get a more balanced score? I am targeting some of the top MBA programs that have a reputation for quantitative excellence - Berkeley, Stanford, MIT. Thanks for your help!
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Re: Low Quantitative Score with High Verbal, top B-School target

by mbamissionjenK Wed Aug 14, 2013 12:29 pm

Hi there,

Congrats on the 730! Nicely done. It's getting tougher to get those higher percentiles in quant because scores are increasing and everyone does so much better on quant... as you can see, you ACTUAL score on quant was actually higher than verbal, so it's not as though you are showing a big lack on the quant side!

Given the info you posted here about your profile and your goals, I would say you are on the fence on how necessary it'd be to re-take. In GENERAL my advice in these types of situations is that with an overall score of 730, not a lacking quant scaled score, strong academics and some quant experiences in your profile, the decision will really fall on the rest of your application (how well you present your story and your goals etc in your essays and resume). I still lean that direction. However, with Stanford and MIT in the mix, IF you felt you could bump up the quant without much difficulty it wouldn't hurt to re-take as they'll take the highest score. But you need to look at your priorities and your time available... I'd probably recommend investing that time/energy into creating outstanding essays... that can make a bigger difference, especially at Stanford I'd say.

Sorry to be slightly on the fence, think you could go either way but not necessary to re-take. ;)
Jennifer Kedrowski

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