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Manhattan Verbal foundation question

by sana.noor Wed Feb 20, 2013 12:52 am

""The company's profits were outstanding, and it went bankrupt because of outrageously poor management,"

this question is from Manhattan foundation book and i know that its incorrect because of the use of and. But my question is about the use of IT. the firts half of the sentence says that its the company's profit not the company, so what IT is refering to?
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Re: Manhattan Verbal foundation question

by HenryE482 Mon Feb 09, 2015 12:18 pm

Also, ran it to this and was confused by the explanation of the error as "and" when "but" was correct, is the "it" the issue? can someone explain this. Thanks

Chapter 4 pg 72 pop quiz in foundations of gmat verbal
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Re: Manhattan Verbal foundation question

by RonPurewal Wed Feb 11, 2015 6:41 am

and is the problem.

there's no grammatical problem there, but the sentence with "and" is nonsense. the two pieces are in stark contrast: the company made huge profits BUT eventually went bankrupt.