The MGMAT series and CATs are great. I was wondering: has anyone had the experience where they are doing worse on the quantitative section of the MGMAT CATs compared to the GMAT Club quantitative tests?
I've taken 4 GMAT Club quant tests and scored 47, 48, 50, 48. But on my most recent MGMAT CAT, I got a 44. Or maybe this is just within the range of measurement error? My first two MGMAT CATs I got 39, 39 on the quantitative sections, but I was getting used to the timing and didn't finish all the questions on these first two exams. I also wonder if taking the MGMAT CATs in a simulated 3.5 hour testing session is a more realistic view of my score since for the GMAT Club quant tests, I don't have to do writing and IR first.