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by liu1993918 Fri May 01, 2015 8:58 am

I am so sorry that I asked a very stupid question, but I am very confused now. I really need your help.
I am a Chinese. I am preparing for applying for the 2016 spring. When I asked this question before, others would say "it depends on what works would you like to do in the future". Unfortunately, I just don't know. Honestly, I am not familiar with finance and accountant. My major is Economics.
Can you give me some advises, please?
Thanks very much.
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Re: MSF or MSA?

by mbaMissionKate Fri May 01, 2015 3:02 pm

Hi there,
Not a stupid question at all! Actually quite an important one :)

What you are hearing from others is pretty true though, which degree you choose depends on at least your near-term career goals. Both of these are pretty specialized degrees, though I suspect that the MFA may have slightly broader options. If you're not sure you want to do Accounting, then I'm hesitant to recommend the MSA. Have you taken any Finance or Accounting courses? If not, can you take one (or audit one) soon to get a better sense? Beyond that, I think doing some online research about different career options in these fields (perhaps Vault may be a good resource) and then trying to set up informational interviews with people that work in these fields to see what interests you. If you're looking for an even broader degree, then perhaps you should consider a Masters in Management or MBA (though you'd need some full-time work experience first). That actually brings up another question I had -- why are you set on starting a program in 2016? Have you considered getting some work experience in one of these fields first before you get a Master's? I'd hate for you to make such a big investment without knowing it's the right career for you.

Hope this helps and good luck to you!!
Kate Richardson

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