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NYU Stern part time - GMAT 560 - should I reappear or apply?

by mahbir Mon Sep 16, 2013 10:27 am

GMAT prep 1 - 430
GMAT Prep 2 - 550
I could only give these 3 CATs before test day.

Real GMAT 560 - I hardly had any time to do last min prep and didn't think that a part time program would need aggressive GMAT score, but now when I am preparing an application I hear lot of people talking about 700+ scores.

I am confused. I have 6+ years of IT experience in Investment Banking domain and GPA is probably 2.9 (75%, pass with distinction in 2006, foreign equivalent)

what are my chances, should I retake the test?
ManhattanGMAT Staff
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Re: NYU Stern part time - GMAT 560 - should I reappear or apply?

by mbamissionjenK Mon Sep 23, 2013 4:06 pm

Hi there,

Well it really depends on what schools you are interested in? You'll want to research 'average GMAT score' at schools you are considering. The top 10 programs according to various rankings generally have average scores of 700+. But if you apply to lower tiers based on the rankings, still good programs, you may find some with average scores of 650, or 600 down the list, etc. Ideally you'd like to be within 50 points or so of the average to have a chance, the higher the better. 560 is only just above the average of all test takers, so definitely increasing that score would help depending on what school you are interested in. Hope that helps!
Jennifer Kedrowski

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