Hello I have couple of questions about modifiers:
Source OG 10th edition
11. Based on accounts of various ancient writers, scholars have painted a sketchy picture of the activities of an all-female cult that, perhaps as early as the sixth century B.C., worshipped a goddess known in Latin as Bona Dea, "the good goddess."
A) Based on accounts of various ancient writers
B )Basing it on various ancient writers' accounts
C )With accounts of various ancient writers used for a basis
D )By the accounts of various ancient writers they used
E) Using accounts of various ancient writers
Source Paper Test 14
According to a survey of graduating medical students conducted by the association of american medical colleges, minority graduates are nearly 4 times more likely than are other graduates in planning to practice in socieconomically deprived areas
a. minority graduates are nearly 4 times more likely than are other graduates in planning to practice
b. minority graduates are nearly 4 times moe likley than other grads who plan on practicing
c. minority graduates are nearly four times as likely as other graduates to plan on practicing
d. it is nearly four times more likely that minority graduates rather than other graduates will plan to practice
e. it is nearly four times as likely for minority graduates than other graduates to plan to practice
In both the above questions: what's the function of
Based on accounts of various ancient writers ,-------As per OG this is wrong because it's modifying Scholars
According to a survey of graduating medical students conducted by the association of american medical colleges----Isn't this Modifying Minority Graduates doesn't it mean that Minority Students are according to the Survey.
Please suggest on how tackle such questions.
The answer for questions are E and A respectively. How do I
Saurabh Malpani[/u]