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Parallel Issue~

by JieZ636 Sat Aug 18, 2018 8:31 am

Just a small quick question.

comma + ing can be used to present the idea that something is the consequence of the past action.

One of the OG question I remember

the pipe has frozen....., to burst and release water.

Here is the thing, burst cause the pipe to release water. "And" connect 2 independent actions or objects. The way I see it, no burst no release. That is why I picked the wrong answer. What is the method here? ( not questioning the correct answer here~)

John jumped out of the building and died instantly.
John jumped out of the building, dying instantly.
Is there any difference?

Sage Pearce-Higgins
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Re: Parallel Issue~

by Sage Pearce-Higgins Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:23 am

comma + ing can be used to present the idea that something is the consequence of the past action.

Absolutely. That's a really common use of the comma -ing modifier.

"And" connect 2 independent actions or objects.

Where did you get this rule from? It's much too restrictive. One of the problems (and advantages) of language is that it's not as precise as, say, algebra. We can use the word 'and' in lots of different ways. We can use it for independent or related actions, simultaneous or sequential actions, and for other constructions too.

John jumped out of the building and died instantly.
John jumped out of the building, dying instantly.

I'd say that both of these sentences are correct. (Although, to be pedantic, presumably John died not instantly, but a few moments later.) What seems to be different is the emphasis. The second sentence emphasizes the causal connection, the first just implies it. However, that's far too subtle to be tested on GMAT.

In conclusion, take care that you don't make up complicated rules that don't really exist. Also, be sure to check first for cruder issues than nuances of meaning when solving SC problems.