Hello, Ron. After listening to your study hall about parallelism, I have some questions and hope that you can help me.
Q1: noun1 and also noun2, noun1 but instead noun2.
Will these structure be parallel? More general, if I put adj. or adv. modifiers before the noun, such as "even" and "perhaps", can I still treat the sentence as parallelism?
eg: prep
Experts estimate that ten times as much petroleum exists in sources like tar sands, heavy oil, and perhaps even in shale than in conventional reservoirs.
The correct answer is D-such sources as tar sands, heavy oil, and perhaps even shale as
Q2: noun1 and noun2 that ...; noun1+preposition and noun1 + that...
One aspect of parallelism is strict grammatical parallel. Will modifiers behind the noun also have to be parallel? For example, I like swimming in the pool and jogging that keeps me fit. Is that sentence parallel?
Q3: can do 1... and do 2...; can do... and is...
How can I tell whether do1 is parallel with do2 or can do1 is parallel with do2? For example, prep: A scrub jay can remember when... , and tend/tends not to bother...
And whether " can do" is able to be parallel with " is "? Or as long as such elements funtion as Verb, they can be parallel?
Thank you!!