I would like to ask a question about parallelism. To make structures parallel, we try to repeat the same ordering such as (make all structures passive, active or to make all verbs gerund or infinite and also try to repeat the words "with, to, on, in, the at.." ). But in some cases, although the words "with, to, on, in, the at.." can be repeated, they are not. Since GMAC's copyright rules I can't write the question but in OG-Verbal Review q99 explanations they use:
(to do x rather than do y) instead of (to do x rather than to do y)
In the explanations, they wrote that the second "to" is understood and omitted. In what cases, these connecting words "with, to, on, in, the at.." can be understood and do not have to repaeated. I am asking this because the answer was the choice that I eleminated for lacking parallelism :D .
Thank you very much for your interest..