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Please rate my essay & suggest improvements

by ashish1354 Wed Aug 27, 2008 1:23 pm

"Education has become the main provider of individual opportunity in our economy in our society. Just as property and money were once keys to success, education has now become the element that most ensures success in life"
In your opinion, how accurate is the view expresses above? Explain using reasons and examples based on your own experience, observations and reading

The author states that to make good of opportunities in life education is the only means available. This situation is justified. Individual opportunity in this context is being referred to as a chance to make more out of a situation by means of education. Education is a process of upgrading any system to increase knowledge, knowhow and in turn the rate of information. Eventually education makes us better informed about phenomenon which can be tapped into and converted into individual opportunities and help reap rewards and benefits. Traditionally it used to be property and money which used to serve as benchmarks of success of an individual but onset of information age has altered the equation completely.

The contrast in availability of opportunity now and then is a result of paradigm shift in which modern day economy and society functions. Information technology is a very marked difference between conventional and modern day economy. The very capacity of the corporations is based on management and application of information. For example car manufacturer Honda is known for it s cutting edge innovations in robotics and automobiles. Such companies often rely on these technologies to create USP’s for their products. To develop these technologies huge amount of information is needed which is a synthesis of knowledge and know how. Without constantly educating themselves it is impossible for these companies to create information at desired rate to fuel desired rate of growth.

Applications of education are infinite as education can not only contribute to different disciplines but also create new disciplines. There could be countless possible permutations and combinations to arrange these disciplines. A particular style or arrangement of disciplines is often known as a field of study and often becomes an opportunity. This process is in analogy with professional career where individuals choose different disciplines of study at different stages in life and a particular combination leads an individual to a specific stream of work or creates an individual opportunity.

This is the point when education of an individual helps establish leadership and sets a course of perpetual development essential for success. Newer and more streams of education can start to catalyse evolution process of an individual. This success is in severe contrast to success back then which used to exist on basis of tangible possessions.

Above essay clearly demonstrates that education is indispensible for existence in present day society and of primal importance to facilitate success.
ManhattanGMAT Staff
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by StaceyKoprince Wed Sep 03, 2008 9:51 pm

Hi, thanks for posting your essays! Just an FYI that instructors don't respond to posted essays - we just have too much to do with all of the question posted and essays tend to be the thing that is least "transferable" (that is, you can learn a lot, but probably other people won't learn as much from looking at our responses to your essays, unlike the multiple choice questions).

But I certainly hope other community members respond. Also, if you're in our class, you'll have an opportunity to get essays graded and get written feedback during the course (after class 6). We also offer an essay grading service - 2 essays graded and given written feedback. If you'd like to do this, send an email to studentservices@manhattangmat.com.
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum