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plz suggest a few universities

by AK Fri Aug 29, 2008 4:10 pm

Please suggest some realistic schools to me.
How good are my chances for an IT management mba program?

Work Ex-2yrs in lucent technologies,india...3 yrs by the time i join
extra curri...decent
MBA Mission

Re: plz suggest a few universities

by MBA Mission Sat Aug 30, 2008 9:56 am

Thank you for your inquiry.

You have provided a few facts. I would need to know more about your story. What is your role at Lucent? Have you been promoted? What school did you go to? What is your major? What are these "decent" extras? Have you been involved in your community recently and if so how? Do you offer diversity? What are your career goals? Etc.

Jeremy Shinewald
MBA Mission

Website: www.mbamission.com
Blog: www.mbamission.com/blog
MBA Mission Insider’s Guides: www.mbamission.com/store.php

AK Wrote:Hi,
Please suggest some realistic schools to me.
How good are my chances for an IT management mba program?

Work Ex-2yrs in lucent technologies,india...3 yrs by the time i join
extra curri...decent

by AK Tue Sep 02, 2008 1:08 pm

Here it goes.

I wish to continue in the technology field so an MBA in Information management or related field is what i am looking for.

Acads+ gmat

B.E from India(NSIT..top college)...71%(Topper was in early 80's)
class 10 and 12.....85%
Toefl...have to give

Work ex:
2 years to date in Alcatel-Lucent as a software engineer .I work in the R&D department.Product involves making soft switch for next generation networks....2G,3G,Voip etc....(Customers...TMobile,Orange,MTNL,BSNL etc)
Responsibilities include understanding the requirements for new 2G features, design of the new features, project estimations, project planning, coding of critical requirements, code reviews across various centers like China, France, Russia and the US , mentoring of new recruits in the team and resolving the daily build load/compilation issues.

Community Service:
Involved with a hospital on the weekends during the free medical check up slots.Basically a lot of illiterate people come so i help them fill up the forms,have their id card made etc .
Little bit of mentoring to poor kids.

extra Curriculars.(nothing great)

Organised a few events during the college festivals,IEEE events
cab committee member of the company,participated in tt tornaments etc.
MBA Mission

by MBA Mission Wed Sep 03, 2008 6:11 pm

Thank you for the additional information. I think that with this extra color, you should be able to ride your GMAT score, international experiences and community work to an acceptance at a top 10-15 school in the US. Your candidacy will hinge on how you are able to translate your technical skills into management skills. If you can create the sense that you are not just a techie and can showcase your mentorship, training and more, you should have a good shot.

Jeremy Shinewald
MBA Mission

Website: www.mbamission.com
Blog: www.mbamission.com/blog
MBA Mission Insider’s Guides: www.mbamission.com/store.php

AK Wrote:Here it goes.

I wish to continue in the technology field so an MBA in Information management or related field is what i am looking for.

Acads+ gmat

B.E from India(NSIT..top college)...71%(Topper was in early 80's)
class 10 and 12.....85%
Toefl...have to give

Work ex:
2 years to date in Alcatel-Lucent as a software engineer .I work in the R&D department.Product involves making soft switch for next generation networks....2G,3G,Voip etc....(Customers...TMobile,Orange,MTNL,BSNL etc)
Responsibilities include understanding the requirements for new 2G features, design of the new features, project estimations, project planning, coding of critical requirements, code reviews across various centers like China, France, Russia and the US , mentoring of new recruits in the team and resolving the daily build load/compilation issues.

Community Service:
Involved with a hospital on the weekends during the free medical check up slots.Basically a lot of illiterate people come so i help them fill up the forms,have their id card made etc .
Little bit of mentoring to poor kids.

extra Curriculars.(nothing great)

Organised a few events during the college festivals,IEEE events
cab committee member of the company,participated in tt tornaments etc.