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Problem Set from Mgmat Sc - for further understanding

by dxgamez Mon Nov 01, 2010 10:44 am

1. Rising costs to raw materials may impel us to rise prices farther.

2. Rising costs of raw materials may impale us to raise prices further.

I'd like to know if rising costs to materials is correct. Also, what is the difference between to rise and to raise? Understand that from the Sc book, both sentences are incorrect.

Would this sentence be correct then?

Your views and comments, please. thanks.

Rising costs of raw materials may impel us to raise prices further.
ManhattanGMAT Staff
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Re: Problem Set from Mgmat Sc - for further understanding

by ChrisB Sat Nov 20, 2010 1:22 pm


Great questions!

1. Rising costs to raw materials may impel us to rise prices farther.

2. Rising costs of raw materials may impale us to raise prices further.

1. Here we prefer to use "of" rather than "to" because idiomatically of tells the reader that costs are part of or a characteristic of raw materials whereas "to" would imply that the costs were given or assigned to the raw materials which is just wrong.

2. Rise is used as a verb when an actor is moving vertically through a plan as in "The cream (actor) always rises (action) to the top." Raise is used as a verb when an actor moves an object vertically through a plan. "Students (actor) with questions raise (action) their hands (object of action) in class for help"

Chris Brusznicki
MGMAT Instructor
Chicago, IL