I cannot understand causation and I would really appreciate an experts' help.
To my understanding causation is a statement like this:
Smocking causes cancer.
and can be diagrammed like this:
Smocking -------->Cancer
One of the ways to attack a causation that is found in an argument, is to find an alternative cause for the same effect. For example, a statement like:
"Drinking Coca-Cola causes cancer", will weaken our conclusion.
Now lets examine the following:
The number of people who use X cruise line to go to the islands, has decreased by 5 %. Therefore, this decrease must have had a negative impact on cruise X earnings.
We know as a fact that the number of people has decreased and we speculate that it will have a negative impact on cruise X earnings.
if I assume that this argument has a causal conclusion, it would be like this:
Cause-----------------------------> Effect
decrease in number of people ---> negative impact on X
My question is if an AC that will provide another reason for the negative impact will weaken the argument.
For example, "Line cruise X has cut many cruises, which were usually profitable"
Depending on the answer I have a following question.
I would really appreciate a prompt response, if possible.