My profile :
-Morrocan/Male/23 years( after graduation)
I would like to continue my studies in the US. after i graduate in France.
If everything work out i will have a french engineering degree (equivalent : master of science) + another master in sustainable development engineering (Master Ingénierie développement durable).
My average grade is 11.5/20.
Work experience so far : None. but I will have a 6month internship before graduation
I would like to continue my studies with an MBA.
The schools i aim usually have an average GMAT of 670-700.
I know that i have a low Gpa + no work experience. What GMAT score should i get to have a chance ?
I know it's going to be difficult, that's why I'm also interested by finance (MS in finance), do you think i have better chances ? If yes, what score should i get to be in a good position ?
Thank you for you help.