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Profile Eval for Europe

by neehamujeeb Fri May 03, 2013 10:27 pm

GMAT 700 (90th percentile). Q43 (61st percentile) V41 (93rd percentile)
Undergrad - Bachelors in Communications from NYU. GPA 3.7
Been working full time for close to 2 years in social media analytics.
Grew up abroad and have lots of international exposure through school and college
I would really like to do an MBA towards marketing in Europe. Dream schools are LBS, INSEAD and HEC Paris but I am concerned that I don't have enough experience to get in.
Any thoughts?
Also, if I do want to apply this year, what can I do to strengthen my application.
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Re: Profile Eval for Europe

by mili Sun May 12, 2013 9:46 pm

Hi there,

Thanks for sharing your profile. You have a strong academic background and interesting professional experience. However, I agree that at this time, you lack enough work experience for most schools to consider you seriously. It also sounds like you've been mostly in an analytic role up until this point, and that opportunities for leadership may come about in the next year or two, which would greatly strengthen your application.

I suggest you wait a year or two before applying, and in the meantime, target a promotion at work, increased leadership and firm responsibility (both in your role and outside of your role). Also, definitely bulk up your extracurricular and community service activities - ideally, you can take on a leadership role in a nonprofit/NGO and start getting very active in extracurriculars that you are passionate about.

Good luck,

Mili Mittal
Senior Consultant
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