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Profile Evaluation Request

by kanika.khosla Thu Nov 06, 2014 7:47 am


I recently took the GMAT for the second time. The first time I got a 620 (40,35) and the second time I got a 590 (38,33) (after taking the Manhattan GMAT course). (I am studying and hoping to give it for a third time, but with the applications and work it seems a little hard). I did my undergraduate studies form Pratt and graduated with a BFA in Interior Architecture with a 3.67. After working in the design field for 2 years, I shifted to the social sector and moved to India to join Teach For India as a Fellow. At TFI I implemented and started several programs, one being the Model United Nations. After the 2 years with TFI, I more recently have been working with a start up NGO helping build leadership in the citizens and communities to enable them to sustainable solve their community issues and build a neighbourhood identity.

I am not looking for the traditional MBA school, but one that has more of a design/innovation and entrepreneurial edge. (Stanford, Kellog MMM, IESE). With my current GMAT scores these seem like a far shot, are there are others which a similar edge you could recommend that I would have a better chance at?

Appreciate all the help!

ManhattanGMAT Staff
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Re: Profile Evaluation Request

by mbamissionjenK Sun Nov 09, 2014 11:30 am

Hi there,

Sorry to hear in the drop in GMAT... wondering if you ran out of time on any sections or allocated your time inefficiently, such as spending too long on a few specific q's? Are you considering giving it one more shot? Perhaps a tutor could help?

You have some interesting experiences in your profile; your challenge will be to explain them in a cohesive way that doesn't come across as scattered, and to make a strong case for WHY you need this degree. In terms of schools you'll want to look where you are pretty close to the school's average if possible, and look at hiring profiles etc and curriculum and decide what is a good fit for you. Good luck!
Jennifer Kedrowski

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