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Profile Evaluation Request

by slingshot Fri Jun 13, 2008 1:28 am


I would like your input on my profile and my chances of getting into my school of choice.

Thanks in advance for taking the time to review my profile.

My profile

Nationality: Indian
Status:U.S. Permanent resident
Undergraduate Degree: B.S computer Science and Engineering GPA: 3.3/4.0
Graduate Degree: M.S computer science GPA: 3.1/4.0

GMAT: Plan to take in August. Targeting a score of 720-760.

Work Experience:

7.5 years Senior Consultant for a leading consulting company in the U.S. and have worked with
a lot of well known brands delivering technology solutions.

Led the technology team that went on an international project to Asia. Team was resident in Asia for a year.
Worked with the Client as well as interfaced with other technical consultants working for
the client and co-ordinated with a team in the U.S. to deliver solutions.
Mentored junior developers on the team. This experience was an eye opener
on doing business in Asia.

Led teams on other assignments as well.

Was involved in business pitches for prospective clients representing technology.

Have implemented various processes within the company to help smooth technology operations.
Have come up with innovative solutions to help satisfy various client needs.
This will be more a team effort, but my contributions were very significant.
My recommendations can vouch for this.

Have been promoted on an average of every 2 years.

0.5 years

Senior Engineer in a product company. Role is to help product management shape and evolve the product plus
build out features into the product. Mentor junior developers. Product presentation to clients.


I plan to do a MBA not to switch careers, but to get more into technology management. My interests
are product management/strategy or a senior manager role in consulting. I am also a wannabe entrepreneur
and I think the basics of general management will help me a long way in helping me start my own business
as well.

Extra curricular activities

Volunteer with an Organization for mentoring underprivileged children in my local community.

Tennis player and played in the local USTA leagues

Amateur photographer

Target schools: First choice: Chicago/Wharton/Kellogg/Sloan
Second choice: Haas/UCLA/Stern/Cornell/Michigan
Third choice: INSEAD

by MBAApply Fri Jun 13, 2008 10:40 am

Wharton is really going younger especially with traditional applicants (bankers, consultants and engineers) -- your chances are slim to none there. "Younger" means for this next incoming class in Fall '09, the majority will be '06 grads (and around 80% will be between '05-'07 grads).

With the rest of the schools, you really should limit it to 5-6 schools otherwise you will dilute your efforts across too many applications (and so will your recommenders). You have a solid profile and it really comes down to how well you execute your application, and whether you can successfully convey the "man behind the resume" -- as you know, there are many applicants who have very similar profiles as you and as a result, it comes down to your application (essays, rec letters, interview) and luck.

Alex Chu