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Profile Evaluation

by mandeepsingh007 Fri Oct 12, 2012 5:06 am


I am mandeep I recently gave GMAT and i am planning to apply to B schools in india who consider GMAT score.

GMAT : 730 ( Q51/V37)
10th Standard : 86.4%
12th Standard : 79.8%

Graduation : Bachelors in Civil Engineering, Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh. 2009 72% .. (7.7/10 CGPA)

I was an active member of various social organization during my college time. After college i didnt do much.

My work Experience ALL fortune 500 :
Samsung Engineering : 2 years
Hindustan petroleum : 1 Month
Fluor Corporation : 1 year

My experience is primarily in EPC, Engineering Industry with Clinets in Oil & Gas Sector INDIA & Abroad, however i dont have exposure outside india.

I plan to take up consultancy/ Project Management Role post my MBA in Energy Sector.

i want to know the following

How suitable is my profile for ISB, INDIA.

My Career goals (Consultant/Project Management) how would you rate them on the basis of employability and probability of getting in a B school

What other colleges can i apply in INDIA & ABROAD

Can you guide me towards a particular college which focuses on Energy/Engineeing/project management. ?
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Re: Profile Evaluation

by mili Mon Oct 15, 2012 9:34 pm

Hi Mandeep,

Thanks for posting your profile and congrats on your excellent GMAT score. Although you are an engineer by training/background, I think that your oil & gas sector experience is quite unique, and the fact that you are a civil engineer (versus software) is a plus. Your big gap is going to be extracurricular and community leadership -- I encourage you to think through your personal life experience to see if there are stories there that might demonstrate your strength of character and leadership capability.

Another thing that caught my eye in your profile is that you worked at Hindustan Petroleum for just one month. Did something happen? You may wish to explain this in an optional statement...depending on the circumstance, this could impact your candidacy (e.g., if you were let go or something like that).

I think you would be a reasonable candidate for ISB and I'd encourage you to apply. For programs focused on energy, I'd suggest looking at west coast schools in the U.S. - UC Berkeley and UCLA would be good programs to apply to. You might also look at programs in Texas - obviously a great region if you want to be in that oil/gas/energy field. UT Austin would perhaps be a good safety program. You could also look at MIT on the east coast - might be a reach, but worth a shot.

Hope this helps get you started.

Good luck!

Mili Mittal
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Re: Profile Evaluation

by mandeepsingh007 Wed Oct 24, 2012 10:04 am

mili Wrote:Hi Mandeep,

Thanks for posting your profile and congrats on your excellent GMAT score. Although you are an engineer by training/background, I think that your oil & gas sector experience is quite unique, and the fact that you are a civil engineer (versus software) is a plus. Your big gap is going to be extracurricular and community leadership -- I encourage you to think through your personal life experience to see if there are stories there that might demonstrate your strength of character and leadership capability.

Another thing that caught my eye in your profile is that you worked at Hindustan Petroleum for just one month. Did something happen? You may wish to explain this in an optional statement...depending on the circumstance, this could impact your candidacy (e.g., if you were let go or something like that).

I think you would be a reasonable candidate for ISB and I'd encourage you to apply. For programs focused on energy, I'd suggest looking at west coast schools in the U.S. - UC Berkeley and UCLA would be good programs to apply to. You might also look at programs in Texas - obviously a great region if you want to be in that oil/gas/energy field. UT Austin would perhaps be a good safety program. You could also look at MIT on the east coast - might be a reach, but worth a shot.

Hope this helps get you started.

Good luck!

Mili Mittal
Senior Consultant

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Hi Mili two things

1.) Regarding Hindustal Petroleum i was hoping i will leave it and not mention it in my resume. I left because i didnot feel at place there. it was only 1 month so can i al together leave it from my applications ?

2.) I got my complete score. i am a little worried about my IR score i scored very bad in it. My AWA is 5.5-77% but im IR score is 4-40% . Should i be worried ? My over all score is 730 and all my other areas are quite good, will a low score in IR be a hindrance?

Thanks a ton for answering !

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Re: Profile Evaluation

by mili Mon Oct 29, 2012 11:37 pm

Hi Mandeep,

Don't worry about IR score -- as it's the first year with this section of the test, it seems the ad coms won't put significant weight on the IR score. As for your 1 month role, you could leave it off your resume if you wanted.

Good luck,