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profile evaluation!

by enviousmind Fri Nov 09, 2012 3:47 am

Hi! I am a mechanical engineer 2009 pass out from SRM university in chennai.I have been working since ma UG at my dads firm which manufactures automobile components for OEM'S such as ROYAL ENFIELD,HYUNDAI etc...had given my heart and soul to the same and the end of two years of my work ex we started a separate firm for some of our customers with devoted manufacturing lines.I am the head at new plant since past one year since its start.There have been many major achievments in my 3 and half years of work ex including passing some tough customer audits and important recognitions,awards and certifications.I was equally involved in the technical and managerial aspects of the plant.I have been wanting to pursue an MBA for better managerial skills which i feel i lack at times strictly required by the industry.have given trials at gmat but te score din do justice to either my capability or my effort because i had given lots and lots of mock tests( official,mgmat,kaplan etc..) and din score below 660 in any of the cases but always ended up messing up my real gmat. Im in touch confusion if i should apply with my last score or should give an other attempt bcoz all my scores would be reported if at all i end up with an gud score next time. will my profile help me to get through with a score 600??? wil te profile seem strong for an manufacturing mba? any advice would be appreciated.

10th (CBSE)-92%
12th (CBSE)-81.4%
UG- 7.7 CGPA(out of 10)

list of B schools i chose before ma last attempt based on my mock tests
1)Tepper- carnagie mellon
4)univ of toronto
5)kelley school of business
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Re: profile evaluation!

by mili Mon Nov 12, 2012 3:21 pm


Thanks for sharing your profile. I think your professional experience is very strong, and will set you apart from other applicants, but a 600 is quite a low score. The good news is that you've shown very stead improvement between each test, so it seems like a retake could be fruitful? If you strongly feel you could get a 650+ on your next exam, I think it would be worth it given your target programs.

I usually don't recommend a 4th attempt, but given your consistent improvement and the strength of your work experience, I think it makes sense for you to retake it if you can. Also, given your lack of extracurriculars and community activities, your GPA and professional experience are the only two dimensions they can evaluate - want to be as strong as possible on each.

Best of luck,

Mili Mittal
Senior Consultant

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